Chatbot Daddy + Sendy

How to create a chatbot email signup form?

What is Sendy?

Sendy is a MUCH cheaper alternative to Mailchimp. If you want to send a lot of newsletters and not pay much, we recommend Sendy. We use it ourselves on our leadgen projects. Learn more about Sendy here.

Chatbot email signup form for Sendy

How to create a Sendy signup form?

  1. Create a form with at least an E-mail input.
  2. Go to Forms and click the form settings icon beside the form name.
  3. Click the Sendy tab.
Sendy Chatbot Daddy Settings


Setting up a Sendy signup form

  1. Sendy intallation URL: Enter the full URL of your Sendy installation.
  2. API key: Enter your Sendy API Key (located on the right-hand side of your installation's "Settings" page).
  3. List ID: Enter your Sendy List ID, which is the unique ID of your list.
  4. Refferer sing-up URL (Optional): Enter the URL where the user signed up from.
  5. GDPR (Optional): Enter: true if you acquired GDPR consent from the subscribers. Otherwise, leave blank.
  6. Silent sign-up (Optional): Enter: true if your list is 'Double opt-in' but you want to bypass that and signup the user to the list as 'Single Opt-in' instead. Otherwise, leave blank.
  7. You're done! Test your chatbot email signup form and see if it works.

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